Anamikas mom smoking

3rd Annual Bhang Lassi Picnic

We are almost at the end of tax season, which also means Kasa’s annual 4/20 Bhang Lassi celebration!!

I can almost feel the tension in the City. Everyone’s a little more serious, corporate lunch orders slow down, the air has a sense of anxiety in it. We are all united in our focus of getting our tax paperwork in just before the deadline.

Whilst you can indeed go to jail for not filing your taxes or lying on your returns, you can no longer be locked up for smoking weed or drinking a spiked mango lassi in SF. Yay for that! Just do not make the mistake of doing this on Ocean Beach, as its federal land.

I love to smoke a joint every now and again. Of course I much prefer it to drinking as a way to slow down and relax and usually combine it with music and yoga. It feels good to say it publicly. I can finally tell some of my more conservative friends…well, not really, I still kind of hide it from them, no idea why. I guess if they are reading this, the cat is out of the bag.

About 5 years ago I told my kids that I liked to smoke as I just wanted to be real with them. My mother never hid it from me when she smoked and I appreciated the honesty. (See throw back photo of Anamika’s mom smoking) I gave them this news along with a parental warning/lecture. First off, it’s illegal to smoke underage so don’t let me ever find you with it. Secondly, it most likely affects brain development if you start before the age of 21, so don’t be stupid and mess with that. It can affect your mood negatively for quite a few days after, as is the case with me, which is why I’m only a very occasional user. It most definitely impairs one’s ability to drive. And of course, what is the effect on my precious lungs?

Bhang Lassi Picnic

Kasa Bhang Lassi 2019

This year, we continue our annual 4/20 celebratory picnic at Dolores Park and hope you can join us. Years previous, we made our Bhang Lassi with a super labor intensive Indian traditional recipe. Read our previous post for the recipe and spiritual connection. This year we purchased a tincture instead by Care By Design (CBD) to add to our delicious Mango Lassi. Should you wish to have your own 4/20 party and would like to try our recipe, email us for the quantities of cbd/thc tincture we are adding to one box of Kasa’s Mango Lassi. The CBD keeps the anxiety out of it and results in an uplifting high only. We will have special offers on the Mango Lassi boxes for the rest of the month – just mention this post!

SF is all about working hard to survive and thrive in one of the most expensive cities in the world. So if you are able to take some time off on Saturday to slow down & connect with your local community, then swing by. We will have snacks as well as “virgin mango lassis” for the kids. Here are some pictures from last year.

Please RSVP here

so that we are prepared!

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